Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Apr 10 - don't believe everything that they tell you ...

So, something happened during the IOS update to Sandy's ipad and it was prompting for a password and it wasn't what she thought that it was.  Ugh.  She got Apple on the phone and shortly afterwards, handed it off to me as they wanted to do backups, restores etc.

So ... 2 hours later ... yup, 2 hours later ...

They had me wipe the device saying that there was an online backup from 8pm the evening before.  Well, guess what, there was no backup.  Luckily I had setup her photos using iphoto or whatever and the close-to-4000 photos started copying down once we turned that back on with the now clean machine.  At one point the girl told me that the only way of getting the photos back onto the ipad was to email them to ourselves ... right ... can you imagine that ?

The first thing that they wanted me to do was backup to my pc, which started and then failed.  They then said, well, no matter, there's this online backup so we'll start from clean and restore from there.  It took quite a while after that before they figured out that their online backup in icloud contained nothing. 

It's a long story and there's not much point in writing any more about it.  Most of the time was waiting.  Once you start backing up and restoring a 60gb machine, things take time.  Once we got through reinstalling apps, I setup email, calendars and contacts, which all come from google.  She ran into issues with Macleans, iMsg etc. etc. that she's gradually working through. 

In the meantime, I've got a sore throat from unknown origin.  I feel like I'm up Kili again except that I can take a hot shower and feel better.

The house is quiet right now, the gang sans Matthew have gone mini golfing.  Sandy took the little guy shopping.  I'm tending Cassie and feeling sorry for my sore throat.  I did pop my taxes into the mail box a short while ago so the day isn't completely wasted.

Onward !

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