Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Jun 18/19 - and I'm off ... almost

It rained on the 18th, so I mostly finished packing.  I went for a ride on the 19th. 

That pretty much sums it up.

It's Tuesday a.m. now and I'm doing some laptop and PC backups, prepping to leave around 10am.  I've got a couple of pit stops along the way -- MEC in Barrie and a pharmacy along the way to pick up some vitamins.  My flight from Toronto leaves at 6:30, heads to Montreal and then I fly from Montreal at 8:50 landing in Rome at 11am or thereabouts.

I checked the seating chart for the Rome flight and it looks like the flight is practically empty.  That's great for me but not for the airline, obviously.  I'm wondering whether this is just timing or whether recent terror events have frightened people off.  I can't let that run my life.

Onward !

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