Sunday, May 13, 2007

May 13 -- Springfield IL to Tuscola IL

It's Sunday, this must be ... Tuscola ?

Actually, I'm still in Springfield. It's morning and I'm lazing around -- lazing around because we don't leave until 9am today. This would have been a perfect day to leave early because the weather is showing 10-20 mph winds again today. The topographical graph shows a few hundred foot hills, but I expect that it will be mostly flat like yesterday. Springfield is at elevation 600 feet. Tuscola is at elevation 700 feet -- get the idea ?

12 more days of riding left. That would seem like a lot to someone just starting a 1400 mile ride, but with 2100+ miles under our collective belts it's ONLY 12 days. I'm sure that there will be a bit of a nostalgic feeling at the end of this -- I was remarking to someone yesterday that I feel a bit nostalgic at the end of a 1 week liveabord dive trip because you are with the same people for a week and likely never to see them again -- this will be a full month.

The weather for today and tomorrow looks good -- I have not checked any further out than that. At the beginning of this ride I was looking out 10 days, worried about heat, worried about cold, worried about winds ... now I know that we can probably endure anything that nature throws at us, even if it causes slight delays.

I'm going to change my tires before heading out today -- I've been very pleased with the Specialized All Condition Armadillo Elites that I've been riding on. I could push them further but there's no need. I'll keep the tires -- spares for later in the ride if I need them as well as spares for later on.

I'll save this and continue later ...

I just got an email from Ken Mercurio with some pictures from yesterday so I'll post this blog now ...

Below -- Jerry and I coming out of Mike's Place, the second breakfast, having signed-in and ready to roll:

Yes it's flat. Ken snapped this one while rolling -- you are looking at me pulling and Jerry's back -- he wears this jersey every few days advertising a beer called ... and I don't know the spelling ... leinenkugel ... brewed in Churchill WI close to Eau Claire where he lives.

The capitol in Springfield. Luckily it was Saturday so traffic was at a minimum.

Just back from the sub shops, stuffing our faces, except that I'm on the phone with Sandy. A few seconds later Jerry's son and daughter-in-law arrived - they drove 7 hours down from WI to visit and will return today.

And -- to cap the day -- some of those Leinenkugel (sp?) ice cold, direct from WI.

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