Sunday, June 28, 2009

June 27 - H2 revisited

I did a repeat ride yesterday, heading north again into the wind. It seemed harder on the second day -- that could either be that I was tired or the pepperettes that I snacked on before leaving and tasted for 5 hours. I should know better by now. Duh.

I still like the handlebar setup, so I think that will become my norm. The mountain shoes/pedals are questionable. I noticed the changeover in my ankles. With these rides it doesn't take much to move "out of the comfort groove" vis-a-vis ankles, knees, hips. My feet feel better, but I'm not sure about doing a long ride with these pedals now that I'm so used to the road pedals. I could probably raise my saddle by 1cm, but the issue is probably the placement of the cleat in distance to my ankle -- I have adjusted this before and I have the two setups as close to each other as I'm going to get them.

Today and for the next few days we are supposed to get rain. It hasn't rained yet -- in fact, a little while ago the sun was out -- but that's about to change. I don't have any indoor projects -- need to pick up some 1x8 lumber to trim out the windows downstairs. Of course, for that, I'll also need to move my table saw and miter saw outside, which calls for a period of non-rain. I'll go into town tomorrow and pick up the lumber ... hope that he has enough in stock.

We had wild Alaskan Sockeye (or was it Coho) Salmon for dinner, proving again that we can eat as well as George and Geri who are already in Alaska. It was very good -- these are quite a bit different from Atlantic salmon, a dry meat.

Oh -- I went into town for Mass yesterday, saw my Aunt Ruth and Uncle Phil + Christine & Morris & kids + Anne & Paul. I thought that I was going to hear about my aunt and uncle's travels, but unfortunately Aunt Ruth sprained her ankle right after they arrived in Portugal so they had to cancel the entire trip -- never seeing Allan and Christine etc. nor did they take the planned cruise. Bummer.

We have been invited over to their cottage on Wednesday -- apparently Michael will be there, coming up Tuesday and leaving Thursday. I'd hate to say that's a record for him ... because it hasn't happened yet ! I don't know if Michael even knows that there are roses, let alone stopping to smell them. Was I like that ? Naawww -- I would smell the roses -- but of course I would also be on a conference call at the same time ! I remember being on conference calls, with my cell phone, on a dive boat in the vicinity of Tobago ... cell phone ringing in Barbados ... cell phone in a gondola ... cell phone ringing at the top of Vail ... "hello ? Hi Wayne -- Wayne I'm sitting outside at the top of Vail -- reception is marginal -- do you really need me ?" ... doing email in one of the islands that we visited at extraordinary $ per connect minute ... and you know what ? The world moves on. None of us are indispensable (and least of all me !).

After Mass I stopped over at the Bradley's on Birchwood Trail. I'd never driven down that road before. Erika had a document that she needed to get my signature on (roads board). She had driven out to see Art and Susan for their signatures but I'd indicated that I'd be out most of the morning and would drop by. Initially I said Tuesday but then realized that I might catch her on the way back from town, so took a chance on that. Erika is the secretary to the Board -- nice lady, has done this for a long time. Her husband was one of the trustees -- then decided to give that up, at which point Art let his name stand.

That's it ... no big plans for today.

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