Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Jul 13 - recovery day

We had a fairly quiet day yesterday. I caught some minnows, but didn't go fishing. I cleaned my bike -- what a mess ! Now I have some mechanical work to do in the upcoming days.

Jason, Lorraine, Gavin and Kyle were still around yesterday but left late afternoon. They'll be back either on the weekend or early next week. They got a good start on the ceiling of the loft and part of the main cottage. My air compressor provided ooomph for Jason's nailer -- I am sure that it was happy to be put to useful work rather than just filling a tire.

I'm sitting here looking out at the lake -- my mind has gone blank -- where did the day go ? Well, I probably had a snooze ... no surprise. I caught up with my banking. Work on the bike did take quite a while.

It's cool out there @ 10C / 50F. It's supposed to be sunny today and it's probably a good day to go biking, but I won't. The next three days are supposed to be rainy so I'll have to squeeze in a ride somewhere before Saturday, the next predicted dry day.

Oh -- the LOL 1000 ? I'm feeling much more mellow now with the pain fading from my memory (and my legs) -- yes, I'd ride it again.

That's it for now.

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