Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oct 12 - addendum

I'm into addenda these days ...

Yesterday, after getting back from NCM and putting the boat cover on, I was in the backyard staring at the palms -- Sandy was in the shower -- thinking about thinning them out some more. I'd thought about it the day before as well but once showered, I did not want to get hot and sweaty again. With Sandy already in the shower and me waiting, still salty from our boating, I decided to go ahead and do the aforementioned thinning. The results of my efforts are all piled by the road and the palms look great. I know that by the time we get back there will be more to do, but this is fruitful work, unlike mowing the grass ...

Speaking of which, with the temperature up north now predicted to go to 15F Friday night, I don't think that I'll have to do any more mowing ! If it stays down there too long I'll be able to go ice fishing !

We ... well, I ... have been doing other catching up in the last few days. I sent an email to Linda Wilder sometime last week but have not heard back from her. Hopefully everything is all right. Perhaps I'll give Linda a call as we travel north. I mentioned that Jason and I exchanged emails. I also exchanged emails with Alice Pao -- this time initiated by her. We've also connected with Norm and Patti -- they arrived in NSB from Connecticut this past weekend, joined by their kids and grand-kids from Atlanta. Their company has now left and we are getting together for dinner tonight, our last chance before heading off to the Great White North.

I'm thinking that perhaps I need to have a legend off to the side of the blog with commonly used acronyms:

GWN - Great White North
NCM - North Causeway Marine
ICW - Intracoastal Waterway
DSJ - David, Stef, Jeffrey -- I know, I'm just making this one up now

I also connected with George Cederholm asking him what his specific plans are for Florida because his blog schedule says Florida for January and February. Well, it turns out that they probably don't have enough interests in Florida to stay that long so we might not connect. Our plan is to get back to FL just as David, Kim and Meagan arrive. That will take us to January 27th ... G&G might have left by then (George & Geri). M&M will also have left (their dogs -- George refers to them as "pups" because they're small, I guess).

I continue to get invitations to join up with people on Linked-In. I generally accept them, unless it's someone who I don't even really know. I have a goodly number of connections now but have never used the site ... nor do I intend to. I don't have a facebook presence either ... I do this blog and that's enough.

My connections on that site range from former friends/colleagues from way back, current colleagues from when I retired, cousins who encountered me on the site, current active friends, like Geoff Swarts from Seattle etc. I have nothing in my profile, nothing about education etc. tch tch. I do the polite thing and accept invitations but since I'm not using the site it's really no more than that.

Sandy is up and the day is getting underway. Once we're back from Orlando I will start packing the car so that when we head off for dinner with Patti & Norm we're pretty well ready to head out. I did re-do the CAFC forms and intend to only bring two guns. That will make it easier.

Still onward ...

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