Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Oct 19 - running errands

When we're up north, running errands is a matter of organization - lists, gathering required items etc. That was yesterday. I had banking to do in Parry Sound along with items to be picked up at Canadian Tire, Home Depot and the LCBO. Sandy decided to come along ... and we set out just before noon.

-- Banking, paperwork in hand ... check
-- LCBO, pickup notices in hand ... check
-- Home Depot, 1x4's, 1x6's, 12v halogen bulbs for over the sink, rope ... check
-- Canadian Tire, Christmas lights, plumbing antifreeze ... check
-- Sobeys, grocery items ... check

The good thing about shopping in Parry Sound is that everything is close together. There is no far apart in Parry Sound -- it's a small town.

We got back home around 4pm. Abby was happy to see us ! Since I was picking up 8' pieces of wood the back of the car was already spoken for, otherwise she'd have probably come along for the ride.

Before going to Parry Sound I had gone fishing. That was a fruitless exercise, anchored in a not-always-productive spot because it was way, way too windy to anchor in my usual spot. Perhaps I'll learn one of these days ... don't bother if the conditions are bad. I don't know what it's like outside yet ... but I'll probably go again.

It was warm yesterday, well over 50F. It's just under 50 right now, at 6:42 a.m., so it will be another warm day. The internet says that it's 46F right now with a high of 46F ... hmmm ... but at least the rain is holding off for most of another day. The Doppler is clear although they are predicting rain to start tonight.

I expect to start work on the door trim and baseboard in the basement today -- removing some painted door trim, stripping paint of two door jambs, removing painted baseboard, replacing with unpainted -- all with a goal to end up staining all the trim in the basement. Two doors and a small section of baseboard were done before Sandy changed her mind. Once I finish up that work I'll move the miter saw and table saw to the basement from the garage.

There's nothing else on the docket. I could rake leaves, but the winter will take care of them. I didn't rake any last year either and there were none here in the spring. I did replenish the outside woodpile yesterday. We're burning some of the hemlock cut down last year. It's very dry at this point and burns like kindling. It's perfect for daytime burning, throwing a lot of heat in a short period of time and then dying out when we don't need the fire anymore. The "good wood" in the woodpile burns longer and is more suitable for times when we need a fire continuously, including overnight.


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