We tripped into Orlando yesterday morning so that Sandy could meet with the Urologist. I call it a "meeting" because that's what it was. We normally think of "having a Doctor's appointment" which elevates the event as if we were seeing a Deity, but as I said to Sandy, this process didn't add anything to the pool of knowledge.
I'm not complaining about the process. He is a specialist and explained to Sandy that a) she has a stone 8mm in diameter, b) only one stone, c) that it's just above the bladder but not likely to go anywhere (only 20% chance), d) that the pain she got the night before was from it rotating and blocking the tube, e) she has the option of waiting it out (see prior 20% chance) or f) blasting it.
I'm sure that her GP could have told her all the same things but not being a specialist she handed Sandy off. The specialist, on the other hand, is the only one who could then plan a course of treatment, i.e. schedule blasting this thing. The interesting part, of course, is that the Specialist then hands Sandy off to an OA - office administrator - type who is the one REALLY IN CHARGE. Ah ha ... we're finally making progress.
So ... we will be heading into Orlando again today ... to have a blast. We have to leave here around 7:30. The actual surgery takes place at 11:30 but before then they have all the prep work -- EKG, X-Ray, Blood Work, etc. etc. then full anesthetic, up the urethra with a camera, blast the stone, insert a stent, done. I expect that I'll be seeing her in the recovery room at 12:30 or 1pm, but I'm just guessing. He also said that she then had to come back in a week to have the stent removed, so we'll "cool our heels" down here in 90 degree weather for another week or so.
Let me back up a second ... it probably sounds like I'm complaining, but I'm not. I'm making fun of the process. The chronology is something like the following:
-- call to make doctor's appointment for day after tomorrow
-- see doctor
-- get CT scan done same day
-- get CT scan reading, diagnoses, prescriptions same day
-- get specialist appointment two days later
-- get surgery done next day
As I said to Sandy -- this is why U.S. Healthcare is so expensive -- because there is the CAPACITY to allow for this quick service. This, my friends, is why I CHOOSE to be a U.S. resident and pay extra for health care. Of course there's also the nice weather during the winter ...
When Sandy left the Specialist's office she told him that she was going to consult with me first. I'm not sure why -- it's not as if I was going to tell her -- no, wait it out, go through some more pain. Anyway, she then called back and said that yes, she'd have the blasting appointment for the next day. The next step in the process was to talk to someone about logistics, right ? Time, place, pre-surgery stuff like could she eat and drink ... right ? Nope - the next step was financial -- credit card please to cover the 10% up front because the health plan only covers 90%. What a chuckle. I love a business model that doesn't have any overdue accounts receivable.
Many moons ago when my Dad had a kidney stone he had to wait for a month for his blasting appointment and for that he had to travel from the cottage to London Ontario. It was the only Christmas that they spent at the cottage, delaying their trip to Florida. Of course it helps that we live close to a major city (Orlando) and that they're well equipped to deal with old folks diseases (ha).
I'll be cooling my heels, listening to my IPOD, reading my magazines ... I wonder if they have wireless for my laptop ? Apparently they have valet service for your car -- what is this ? a spa ? Perhaps they have free Starbucks ? Of course Sandy told them that I'd never release my car to a valet (this being the M5) so she was told that they would validate my parking. I guess that it's all included in the price that my insurer pays ... and I pay.
Abby, meanwhile, will be cooling all four of her heels back here at the ranch. It will be a long day for her but it would be longer if she were in the car, in the heat, windows open or not. She's now gone a few days without any boating ... poor Abby.
So ... back to yesterday. We got home in time for lunch, a little late for me but what the heck, and after a little lazing around I mowed the weeds. After 1/2 hour outside doing that I came back inside dripping wet and had another shower. We had red snapper for dinner with rice and stir fried sugar snap peas and yellow peppers. We watched a couple of SG1 episodes and spent a quiet night. I guess that the stone never moved last night ... thank goodness.
We're all ready for the work on the guest bathroom that was supposed to have taken place while we were away. Jeff and his gang start Monday. Although it's only a small job, I expect that they will be in and out all week:
-- Monday -- old tub out, new tub in, cement board perhaps
-- Tuesday -- plumbing
-- Wednesday -- tiling
-- Thursday -- grout
-- Friday -- cleanup
If the new tub has any different fit at the floor they will have to pull the toilet and replace the four tiles that meet the tub. I'd be surprised if they don't simply pull the toilet anyway just to get it out of the way. I may do that for them on Sunday night if I'm feeling industrious.
That's it for now. I'd better get going and gather my magazines. Sandy's not up yet, but I'm sure that she's delaying that as long as possible since she cannot eat breakfast. She's going to have a heck-of-a caffeine withdrawal headache later on. If I were her I'd be sneaking a small, strong espresso-like cup of coffee to ward that off but she's being good.
That's it ...
Friday, October 9, 2009
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