Thursday, April 9, 2015

Apr 8 - no, I didn't forget

I'm just slow this morning.  I've been catching up with Randonneurs Ontario and Sunshine 1200 work. 

I spent a lot of time on the budget yesterday, trying to figure out if I'm going to stay in the black.  Key West is a bear.  Anywhere else and we'd be able to arrange to have pizza and beer for cheap, but not KW.  You're a captive audience and the hotels expect you to buy their beer.  We can't drink in public places without getting arrested ...

I've ordered T-shirts and mugs as SWAG.  Those are also more expensive than I would have expected.  It's all to do with our beautiful full color logo.  Black and White would be cheap.

Somehow over time the trunk of the palm tree has grown longer and overlaps with the R in Randonneurs.  Who knows why. 

We were originally going to print these on gold t's but to do that, they have to subtract color from the logo which gets added back in with the background.  It doesn't work very well.  As a result, we've settled on white t's.  They'll last until I do my first bike maintenance wearing the t-shirt !

Sandy and I headed to the airport early yesterday, leaving at 5:15.  Everything was on time for her and she's firmly ensconced at Jeffrey and Sara's for a couple of days and then moving to Marda's.

I went for another ride after dropping the saddle height by about 1cm.  It made a huge difference.  Amazing.  I then took Abby for a walk and except for handling more emails and watching some boob-tube, the day was about done.

Onward ?

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