Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Jul 3 - off to ice cream island

Lauren always called Lost Channel "Ice Cream Island" because we go by boat.  The girls played quietly around here and some outside.  Mid afternoon the four of us went to Lost Channel.  We spent some time hunting for the boat key and ended up using the spare, finally finding it in the laundry room; Sandy had been doing some cleanup and it had been moved from the kitchen counter.  Normally it just stays in the boat and I bring it in only if we're going overnight.

I also gave the weed whacker some exercise, attacking the grass and weeds.  Sandy did some of my laundry but the cycling gear still needs attention.  Shab had done my shorts and jerseys but socks, warmers etc. all need attention.

I haven't opened the bike box yet; will do that today.  I'm not sure if I'll actually use that bike between now and LEL but I will get it mostly assembled and cleaned. 

I spent a large chunk of quiet time prepping a 600k route for this weekend.  I'd hoped to do the ride but with everyone coming, likely not. 

Jason's gang drifted away after an early dinner next door so we didn't see them for drinks.  Jason & Lorraine leave today, Tuesday, sometime, but will be back while our gang is here.

I figured out how to turn off the infernal beeping from the alarm system which was complaining that the smoke detector is disconnected.  I had to do that due to dead batteries which are on order.  The other three smoke detectors are in use, the linked ones; this one is purely for monitoring purposes, required by insurance and of course would be the one that is useful when we're not here.

I suppose that I could reattach the smoke detector with the low batteries, now that I have the beeping silenced.  I need to turn that beeping back on once I replace the batteries -- it's the only way that I know that there's an issue to be dealt with other than awaiting the monitoring service to call me :).  Speaking of which, I should probably check the battery in the freeze alarm.  It's the only other one that hasn't been replaced since installation.  I don't know what kind of battery it takes.

Onward ?

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