Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Mar 20 - a realllyyyy long day

Up at 1:30 a.m., I was out of the house before 2am.  Remember that time. 

It was an easy drive to Tavares, obviously not much traffic !  We started riding just before 4 and finished at 2:15 a.m..  Already past a 24 hour day, I was rolling on the way home in short order with an ETA of 3:45 a.m.  It ended up being 4am because I stopped at I4 and SR 44 for a short snooze.  My eyelids are feeling quite heavy and I just might do that again, only at home, as I only got 1:30 sleep.

The ride started out cold, high 30's and we had a frigid first 3-4 hours.  I had everything that I needed -- leg warmers, heavy jacket -- but Judith was expecting warm.  I lent her my Pearl Izumi light jacket.  I'd brought that along in case it would suffice but once I saw the temperature along SR 46, I knew that I'd be wearing the heavy stuff.

Another day was done ...

Onward !

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