Friday, April 14, 2017

Apr 13 - a soffit kind of day

I still felt like crap, almost staggering around first thing in the morning but didn't want to spend another day on the couch. One day in a row is enough.

So ... I raised Duane's ladder (our painter) and got at the soffit on the high side of the house, fixed the one loose area and quickly came to the conclusion that if I wanted to replace all that soffit, I'd hire someone or at least have someone to help me. 

That was the first urgent spot.  The next spot, or section, was over the grill.  I took down that entire section, which wasn't easy, and then put up the new soffit  For that, I had to replace one of the J-strips (if I've got the right one) as the old one had warped along with the old soffit (heat from the grill).  I replaced the soffit across that entire low section over past the kitchen doors.

The old lights over that area were simply supported by soffit, which isn't exactly code or good, so I added some 2x4, proper electrical boxes and wiring ... yeah ... and put up new LED lights that are attach to actual electrical boxes with holes cut in the soffit.  All that takes time. 

Almost finished ... that was a one day project.  I've got two more things to do -- I have to paint that J-strip, which is white, to match the existing J-strips and I've got one tiny piece of soffit to repair that's up by the upper deck.  I have no idea how I'm going to get at that as there's no place to lean a ladder.  I'll figure something out.  Right now I have a small gaping hole that needs closing.

Sandy was in and out with training etc. staying as far away from me as possible but not sure that will work.  She just left for the gym so she may avoid this one.  I'd say that on average, I would get twice as many viral infections as her -- have no idea where this came from.

I talked to Arlene, who is coming next week with Karrie and Daniel.  That should be fun.  She's doing runs at Disney on the weekend.  Even though I was feeling quite a bit better by late in the day, every time she made me laugh my throat would tickle and I'd break into a spate of coughing.  That's pretty much done.  If I don't have a hang-over cough from this one that would be a first.

Onward !

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