Sunday, April 30, 2017

Apr 29 - it's tuna time

Tuna and Shrimp - the first is way too expensive up north and the second just ain't the same.  Of course there are other local fish that we eat in Florida - flounder, pompano, various types of snapper - all soft white fish as well as mahi mahi, triggerfish, lionfish that are more flaky.  These are all good and a delightful variety. 

Up north we eat pickerel (walleye) from the store (I seldom catch them), small mouth and large mouth bass, crappie -- and at Christmas (ice fishing) - northern pike - along with other store-bought fish of the salmon/trout family - rainbow, coho, copper river etc. etc   Of those, the west coast varieties are the best.  We never buy Atlantic salmon.

Throw in some chicken, the occasional pork chop and beef steak and you've pretty much defined our regular protein diet.  Yes, a couple of times a year Sandy will make her lamb finger burners, turkey with all the fixin's, a ham, but those are all exceptions.

Yesterday we had tuna.  It was wonderful.  Tonight who knows ?

I rode again, south into a stiff headwind.  My average speed by the time I'd ridden the 33.75 miles to Titusville was under 11.5 mph.  I got that up to 14.something by the time I was back home due to riding mostly 18-20 on the way back, enjoying the wind.  I knew when I headed out, seeing the whitecaps on the IntraCoastal Waterway, that I was in for a long slog south. Oh well.

Today no riding.  Tomorrow my intent is to do 200k, south again by the looks of the forecast.  I plan to leave early, very early, perhaps not even get Cassie up, to get some of those southbound miles behind me before the wind gets too bad. 

Today I'm going to look at that Yamaha tilt.  I checked online and see that I could replace the entire unit for about $800 ... ugh.  We'll see.

Onward !

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