Friday, May 26, 2017

May 25 - steady rain

It rained all day.  Perhaps steady is an overstatement but there were only a couple of times when it slowed down.  I went out once in a quiet period (rain quiet, not wind quiet) and checked Jason's and Don's docks. The north wind was really ripping.

Isaac was there at Don's, just about to leave.  He and Don had been in for a couple of hours and were just heading out.  They were meeting up with a roofer who was going to do some repairs.

Part way during the day I started the Linux upgrade project.  I've got two boot disks, current and backup.  Current is running 14.04.  Backup is running 12.04.  They both work.  I'd updated some of the files on the 12.04 disk so that I could test some things once I got to that point.  I disconnected the internal disk (my boot disks are external) because experience tells me that the upgrade process wants to install some of the boot loader on the internal disk and things get messed up trying to move from house to house.  I then started the upgrade process. 

It ran from about 2pm until 9pm, most of which was a very slow download of the various packages and software updates.  It's slow because our connection is slow.  The upgrade takes you from 12.04 to 14.04 and then when you boot the upgraded OS, it then prompts you to upgrade again.  I first wanted to get that backup boot disk to 14.04, so that worked for me. 

As expected, VMware wouldn't run.  I had encountered that two years ago when I first did the 14.04 upgrade.  I started the package download before going to bed.  It's not large but I wasn't going to do any more at that point.  I'll try doing the VMware upgrade this morning. 

My other alternative is to restore a current copy of my "live" boot disk to the backup disk and then go in and cleanup disk references etc. so that it will actually boot.  I don't tackle this kind of thing often enough to remember all the things that need changing through an upgrade or restore.  I will try the VMware upgrade first, as once I'm through all this, I want the upgraded software anyway.  I'm running on a version that's a year or two old.

Sandy got home after 4pm with the car loaded up with groceries.  She'd changed her destination before leaving, going to Sudbury.  She's always got a bigger load when she can get to Costco, Tarini's and the Independent Store.  We brought that all in dodging the rain drops and mosquitoes. 

Since she was going to Sudbury, she also got the CO2 tank refilled - for the MegaCatch mosquito catcher.  The CO2 tank looks somewhat like a Scuba tank and it gets filled with food-grade CO2 that they use for soda etc.  It's not raining right now so I should probably get out there and install it in the cart and attach to the catcher.  CO2 is more expensive than propane ... $75 for the refill. 

I leave here at 4am Saturday for two rides out of Barrie, one starting at 8am Saturday and the other at 6am Sunday.  I've got quite a number of riders signed up, not sure if I'll be able to get over to Stef's and say hello.  We're all staying at the Comfort Inn and will likely eat as a group at the Mandarin, which is right there at Essa by the motel.  The weather looks ok for Saturday but we might have rain on Sunday.  I may decide to install my fenders ...

A group of us had a call last night regarding rider tracking for the Granite Anvil.  That went from 8pm to 9:30. 

What else ... not much ... Onward !

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