Friday, March 28, 2014

Mar 27 - more cool

If it wasn't for the clouds and the wind, it would have been so-so nice ...

It was a good day for a ride though.  South and back into a good headwind and great tail-wind. 

Jeff at Liberty Collision had called to say that he was having trouble with his paint booth (a big booth if it holds a car or truck !) and hadn't been able to start the rust work on Sandy's car.  The repair guy had been promising to fix it daily.  We decided to pick up the car and bring it back next week. 

Alister headed over to the local golf course and found a group to join, getting in 18 holes.  He said that it was slow though because they were always waiting on the people ahead.  Oh well; it was better than sitting around here.  Alister is like me, doesn't sit around very well.

The girls - Sandy, Angelika and Carol - went into "town" and The Hub, touring around.  It sounds like they had a good time.

After Alister and I and Sandy's car were home, we went over to the SYC for the Grand Opening of the Tiki, open on Thursday for the first time.  The wind made it cool though, so we had a drink outside and then ate inside.  All they were serving at the Tiki was the Taco Bar and Sandy doesn't like Tacos ...

Rose was at the Tiki, basically there to say Hello to people, not working.  She was in a car accident some time ago and broke seven vertebrae.   Seven.  7.  We're lucky to still have her with us !  She was smiling though and getting lots of hugs.  Amazing.

Before I went for my ride, I went to the bike shop on 44 and picked up a box.  This morning I'll cut down the bike box to a size for the Lynskey frame and get that into the mail or UPS.  David and Kim have closing set for 7am, I believe, so that chapter will be drawing to a close.  Whew.  I'll be available as necessary if they run into issues but I expect that it will go smoothly ... knock on wood ...

I'll get organized for the 400k tomorrow in Tavares.  It's less than an hour away, so that's good.  What's not so good is the scattered thunderstorms prediction for tomorrow ... I hope that they're scattered somewhere else !

Onward !

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