Friday, February 27, 2015

Feb 26 - it's the eve again

The eve of another ride, that is.  Whew. 

I took the X5 over for service this a.m. and came back with a loaner 2014 320.  It feels similar to the X5 as it's a) automatic and b) similar controls.  Hopefully the X5 will be ready this afternoon or this car is going with us to Miami ! on Monday morning, enroute to Ecuador.

Yes, Ecuador.  I'll pack for Ecuador on Sunday.  If we were only going to the beach at Salinas, that's one thing, but Quito is about 9500 feet over sea level and cooler, even though it's on the equator.

Today I have to pack for tomorrow's 300k.  It looks to be a similar forecast as the 400k on Wednesday except that this time it will probably REALLY rain, vs just threaten.  Although the riding day will be shorter, the longer drive will just about make up for the difference in total time.  I have to leave here at, let's see, 1:30 which will get me to Gainesville at 4 for the ride starting at 5.  The difference is that I should be home earlier, perhaps 10:30 or 11:00 p.m., definitely before midnight.


... and now, after having left this unposted for a couple of hours, we're off to get our International Drivers Licenses, just in case we need them in Ecuador, Spain or Portugal ...

Onward !

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