Saturday, May 20, 2017

May 19 - more phone calls

Three more calls; three more hours; that dominated my day, mostly.  I'd hoped to get out for a short ride between calls but it was cold and windy, so I wasn't even tempted.

Two of the three calls were done using WiFi calling.  It doesn't take much internet use, however, to make that unusable, given our minimal bandwidth and high latency.  Latency runs around 700 ms, compared to what ? 10% of that in Florida ?  I checked with Jason and they'd had a Bell guy in to check the noise on the line and the bottom line is that it is what it is and unless they replace that underwater cable, we're stuck with it.

I do think that I found the clicking on the bike - my cassette had loosened up.  I hope that's it but I won't know until I get out on the road.  I tried mounting the bike on the trainer but couldn't hear the click.  With constant pressure, I'm not sure why it would click but I'll soon know if that was the issue.

I didn't do anything else of note, even though I could have gotten out the weed eater and hit the hill by the kitchen.  I'll have to do that tomorrow, Sunday.  Today we are heading for Barrie to see Lauren's dance recital.

David and Vanda arrived late.  I didn't see them. 

Onward !

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