Wednesday, May 24, 2017

May 23 - back on the bike

It was a short ride, to and from highway 69, short because I had a late start.    The bugs weren't a problem when I was riding and I can only imagine how bad it would be if I'd had a flat.  Both the black flies and mosquitoes are peaking right now, the first because they're in season and the second due to all the rain.

We had our roads tour; I got back home around 11:30.  There was nothing remarkable, nothing that we didn't already know, but it's a checkpoint for work planning.  Some decisions are made during the process.  We have a few major items to tackle.  Beavers, in particular, are becoming more than the occasional nuisance and with trappers getting so little for pelts, we have to pay per beaver.  They are becoming a major budget item.  We'll be finishing off the work on Lost Channel Road, doing some work at the turnarounds, replacing a few culverts etc. etc.

Sandy did some raking and also got out in her kayak.  Cassie and I went out for a short boat ride.  There's nothing happening at the new house at the end of the road; I don't know why.  There's certainly plenty to do !  Carters and Reddicks are both in.  Sherars were in on the weekend but gone now. 

Sandy's aunt passed away a few days ago - her father's sister, the last of the family.  She still has one more aunt of that generation, her father's younger brother's wife, Aunt Vy.  They will be holding a memorial service June 10 and Sandy is planning on going down.  She had already booked a ballet a couple of days before that in Toronto, staying with Joyce and will drive to Hemmingford from there. 

Generation-wise, my father's and mother's siblings are all deceased but my father's sister's husband - Uncle Rogers - and my father's brother's wife - Aunt Ruth - are doing well.  My mother was the youngest of her siblings; my father the oldest.  My Uncle Rogers lives in Mexico and Aunt Ruth in Toronto ... or Florida ... depending on the time of year :).

I'm hoping to get out for a ride today but time will tell on that.  It's wet out there right now.

Onward !

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