Thursday, June 8, 2017

Jun 7 - the sounds of silence

Yesterday studying the bike again, on the workstand I rolled the cranks seeing if I could detect any slight hesitation that might turn into a click under medium pressure.  I then took the bike off the stand and applied weight in every direction, including saddle etc. to see if I could make it click standing still.  Nope. 

The very first thing that I suspected when it was clicking was the couplers, months ago.  I'd checked the tightness by hand and with the tool a few times.  They were tight.  What I hadn't done is loosened them and re-tightened, which I then did and rode across the floor ... no click.  I went up to Osprey Road and went 100 meters back and forth, no click (didn't want to go further because it was still pretty muddy).  Later in the day I rode to 69 and back, no click.

Was it the couplers ?  We'll see on the 400k.  Did I fix it or at least fix it temporarily with the weight bearing twisting etc ?  I'm not sure.  I went 120 km out of 200 before it started clicking again on the 200/300 weekend.  I'm planning on riding again today but before I go out I will loosen the couplers, grease them and re-tighten.

Sandy left mid-morning, heading to the Eaton Centre downtown Toronto and then ballet in the evening.  Last night she stayed with Joyce and this morning she'll pick up Kylie and head to Montreal. Road trip ! 

She called from downtown; I guess that traffic was a disaster.  Our usual York/Bay/Yonge exit is closed so you have to get off at Spadina or Jarvis.  What a mess.  We'll be down there next week with Kylie and Lauren for Swan Lake so we'll have to figure something out and leave extra time.

Shortly after Sandy left, I headed to the dump with our new key.  I unloaded all the accumulated garbage since we arrived a couple of weeks ago.  Jason had left his key for us but we hadn't bothered. 

I used the weed whacker, did some more hosta transplanting and then went for the aforementioned ride to Highway 69, sans clicks. 

It was hot !!  I don't know what the temperature hit but it was hot and compounded by the almost dead calm lack of wind. 

Once back and showered, I just started to open the door to let Cassie out and the phone rang -- Sandy having arrived downtown Toronto.  After our brief chat about the traffic disaster, I got Cassie outside and she had a few long swims.  The lake was glassy calm.  Perfect. 

We also went for a boat ride.  The depth finder was showing a water temperature of 68 which is amazing because the day before it was 61 ... surface temperature only of course.  The lake doesn't warm up that quickly !  I was in a t-shirt and quite warm out there.

We're in the transitional period now with just enough black flies around to go straight for exposed skin and not cloud around you.  Mosquitoes are in shady areas and of course very busy at dusk.  Horseflies and deerflies are now in evidence in the sun and chasing me down the road on my bike, landing on my black cycling gloves -- they love black -- and biting if I give them a chance.

Come on dragonflies !  We need you ! 

It looks like Don and Claudia are replacing their entire roof.  Half of the roof of the new addition had been removed as well as the rest of the metal roof.   I didn't see any more action at the house on the point.

Naturally I got sucked into the Trump soap opera.  More breaking news.  Always breaking news.  Nothing else happens in the world, or so it seems.  Most of the world will be watching Comey testify today, I expect. 

Onward !

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