Friday, July 7, 2017

Jul 6 - another glorious day

The weather was supposed to be mixed but instead it was beautiful.  I took the girls out tubing although it got quite bouncy after a while.  Emma and Zoe took turns riding with Lauren.

Tubing ... with the original Ski Biscuit ... amazing that it's still alive after more than 25 years !  I bought that when we had the pool on Glenburnie in Mississauga.  It doesn't sit out in the sun and has a limited use each year.  In the interim it's packed away in the boathouse.

Sandy rode in the boat as observer.  Emma could fill that role but not Zoe :) and certainly not Cassie although she watched the tube intently.

Work continues at the point albeit very slowly.  They've done some more of the roof and were working there yesterday.  I doubt if they'll be able to use the place this summer; don't see any work going on inside and the outside siding has yet to be applied.

The three girls sleep in the basement. Zoe sleeps better there than upstairs.  I have no idea when others are planning on arriving ...

I did some weed whacking yesterday, aka "lawn" mowing.  With rain supposedly on the way I had to finish up the hill.  We only got a few drops, however.  I do see some patchy stuff on the Doppler this morning but we won't be getting any significant rain.  That's good ... we've had enough !

That's about it.  I will get out for a brief ride today, one way or the other.

Onward !

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