Saturday, July 8, 2017

Jul 7 - riding

Several types yesterday -- to Lost Channel with the girls for ice cream; to town for gas; on bike for a spin.

LC ice cream is getting to be a lost cause.  Their ice cream has always been quite soft, difficult for the small kids to eat before it's either all over them or the ground.  Now there's not much left in the machine and they're not sure if they're going to get it fixed.  A few days ago they only had vanilla; now only chocolate and weren't sure if they could crank out three cones.  Lauren had a drumstick instead; Zoe's was a mess.  It would have been better in a cup !  As it was, she had a spoon for her cone and didn't finish it all.

I've been riding the Litespeed; the True North is now in the bike box ready for LEL.  I spent a bunch of time yesterday going over the cue sheet vs gpx files trying to reconcile some differences that I found.  Difficult when not all the roads are labeled the same.

... and, into town for mail, gas and ice cream.  Their ice cream stock is low but I managed chocolate and smarties.  We've got some vanilla in the freezer already so we're good there.

I got an email from Christine that the church in Port Loring isn't opening this summer.  They spent a lot of money on the roof last year and now the caretaker has passed away.  Perhaps the Bishop doesn't understand basic finance ... the 8k that they spent on the roof last year is gone and not opening this summer won't bring it back.  From a pure finance point of view, they can only look at income vs expenses for the summer to see if they'd be ahead of the game.  From a "souls" point of view, they should open.  Nuff said.  If I make too much noise I'll end up adding church maintenance to my various volunteer activities !

Sandy has gone into Sudbury with her huge grocery list.  I'll brace myself for the financial shock.  It would be cheaper to put a new roof on this place !  Just kidding but the good news is that she took her car, thus limiting the size of the haul :).

Jeffrey, Sara and Matthew are due late this afternoon; David and Vanda as well.  I'm not sure about Stef and Aaron.  Perhaps Sandy has heard travel plans; I have not. 

The three girls have been great.  Zoe in particular has adjusted to our rules.  She wants to eat in the living room ... no, cottage rules ... ok.  She gets a couple of time extensions before bedtime and then goes.  Sandy reads a book to her briefly and then she goes down.  The three of them are sleeping in the basement bedroom, which works out well. 

The girls have been swimming off Davies dock.  Zoe goes down the ladder but has been known to jump in off the end; life preserver on of course. 

Cassie is getting loads of exercise.  You've heard of ADD, ADHD ... well I said to Sandy yesterday that she has ADFD.  F=Fetch.  She runs herself ragged and pants heavily which worries Sandy but it's just her excitement and hyperactive nature.

I've got the girls to myself today.  I'll get them out tubing as long as the weather holds and it's beautiful out there right now.  I may take them into town for ice cream and do an LCBO bottle return trip at the same time.  I should probably get to the dump ... perhaps we'll see bears ... who knows.

On .... ward ...

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