Wednesday, March 28, 2007

March 28 -- counting down the days

Another great riding day, in the 70's, but only three left after today. An east wind again, so I headed south, leaving around 8:15 and returning before 1pm.

It has really been dry -- the ditches along the roads in the park are just about dry. I was watching yesterday to see if I could see any aligators and did see one. Today, I saw the same one (I think) a medium sized guy about 6-8 feet long, but also saw another, this one very large, probably about 10-12 feet long. If I saw two just watching as I was riding there must be many more.

During the afternoon I went over to Home Depot and picked up some screens for the evestroughs (gutters in the U.S.). I have to clean the gutters and install these screens before leaving end of week.

This evening we went out for dinner at the Riverside Grill with Norm and Patti Himes. It was excellent -- a great spot and great food.

Ride stats -- nutrition -- 3.5 water bottles; 6 gels; 73.8 miles; 17.1 mph.

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