Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 5 - the day

I think that I confused some with the date of the blog vs the day that I write these things.  The 5th was our anniversary, 33 years.

I went for an early bike ride; Sandy packed and organized; we both went for dentist appointments; we went to dinner with Harris and Debbie, trying out "Dolphin View".  They'd been there before; we had not.  It was good other than everything was pretty salty.  Is that because we're beside salt water ?  We'll never know.

Sandy's stuff is mostly piled by the door, planning perhaps an 8am getaway.  I'll start to organize soon too, piling my stuff up.

The weather is improving up north but, having said that, the current temperature is 0C / 32F.  Hmmm.  It warms up later in the week ... warms up to ... rain.  Hmmm.  The highs here for the next 10 days are 81-86.  It does seem that we're rushing north but I guess it's always like this.   We do have to get up there so that we can leave for the U.K. ... Hmmm.

I plan on riding most days through the weekend and, at this point, leaving early Monday a.m.  We'll see.

What else ... nothing much.

1 comment:

George said...

Some day, if you're really lucky, airlines will figure out how to fly to the UK from, say, Orlando. Oh, wait... :-0