Sunday, December 31, 2017

Dec 30 - not as cold as it's going to get

It was cold, but heading downwards;  -17F out there now.  Jeffrey, Sara, Lauren and Emma headed into Sudbury and caught the new Jumanji movie.  I looked up the description as the only one that I knew was the 1995 version (which I hadn't seen either).  Now I'm intrigued. 

David & Vanda; Stef & Aaron had left mid day.  David spun a little going up the driveway; Aaron not at all.  Jeffrey tried and tried to get up the driveway in reverse (the best traction) very nearly sliding off the side.  Eventually he drove and three of us pushed, getting him over the hump.  The car had started without any problem -- a combination of warmer (0F) and battery minder.

Zoe and Matthew stayed with us and played quietly all day with this and that, not hitting the electronics until late in the day.  Angels couldn't have been better.  At one point in the afternoon they wanted to go outside, so Sandy got them dressed and I went out; Sandy came out later.  They walked around a bit and played.  Matty was having trouble keeping his mitts on, so I took him in.  Sandy wasn't far behind with Zoe.

Since the gang wasn't going to be back from Sudbury until late, Sandy and I had the pike that I pulled in a few hours earlier. There's nothing like fish that's only a few hours out of the water.  I've been losing more minnows than pulling in fish but we've still had enough to satisfy -- that's three meals now. With every meal the cost per drops :)

Jeffrey parked at the top of the driveway this time.  I had run an extension cord up there earlier in  the day.  It's back on the battery minder.  Parked to the side a bit, I'm hoping that I can get around it this morning to go to church, rather than having to juggle.

I just heard from David, who was shuttled, checked in and through security in 1/2 hour.  Off to Cuba !

The New Years Eve plan is for steak, no hot oil fondue this year since our numbers are down and it doesn't work for the kids. Chocolate fondue, however, is also in the plans. 

I think that Jeffrey intends to head out on the 2nd.  That probably means that we'll leave on the 4th, dropping Lauren in Barrie on the way and perhaps getting to Erie PA.  We'll see.

Onward ! 

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