Monday, June 11, 2018

Jun 10 - time to panic yet ?

Do I really only have 2 days left to get organized for Europe ?  At the start of the day, I had 3.  What did I accomplish vis-a-vis Europe prep ?

Nothing.  Well, hardly anything.  I spent some time looking at flights to Tel Aviv and Japan.  Does that count ?  Not really !

It's cheaper to fly to/from Tel Aviv and then book separate tickets to/from Perth.  Go figure.  We're still hung up trying to figure out how much time we spend in Oz vs Israel, i.e. when do we fly back to Israel ...

David worked all day cleaning windows.  What a treat !  It's like they aren't there.  While he was working with the ladder in the house, he also vacuum dusted the upper beams.  While he had one of the big ladders down, I cleaned the upper evestroughs / gutters.  I hadn't gotten to them last year and they were pretty full of leaves and pine needles.

I made two trays of date/seed bars.  Ok, that's Europe prep.  I went to Mass.  I answered many emails.  Somehow my list seems pretty feeble compared to what David accomplished.  Oh yes, I did keep Cassie busy fetching and swimming ... does that count ?  She thinks so !

Mosquitoes are driving me crazy.  I killed at least two dozen working here in the den this a.m.; only light on in the house; every few minutes using the zapper.  Perhaps they're breeding in the sump pump.  Dunno.  Due to the mosquitoes (that's my excuse) but mostly due to the feeling of impending panic, I was at the computer at 3am.  I knocked off the RUSA financial reports for May, which is a couple of hour exercise, and issued those reports a few minutes ago.  Yesterday I issued a Randonneurs Ontario Treasurer's report.  I've got conference calls both Wednesday and Thursday evenings.  I'll be doing those from La Belle Province.

There aren't many cottage closeup activities this time.  Most of my day today and tomorrow will be taken up with packing. 

Jason et al were supposed to arrive last night.  I assume that they did but I was in bed before they arrived. 

I"ve got stuff strewn around the den; strewn around the basement floor; strewn around in my head.  I have to get that all organized.  I also need to get out on the bike for a very short ride to check my maintenance work.  I might plan to get out in Hemmingford.  I'll have all Thursday and most of Friday.

Onward ?!?

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