Thursday, May 21, 2020

May 20 - why leave ?

It's a good question, really.  Why leave ?  The weather is great, we have food and hardware etc stores, medical services are close by, there are things to do, good neighbors, fast internet (!), telephones that work (!), no blackflies or mosquitoes ... I'd better stop or I'll convince myself to stay !

When you get right down to it, life is great here, but we aren't used to sitting still for so long.  It will have been almost 4 months without travel (well, 3.5) and I haven't done that for, like, 40 years ?  Constant business travel has been replaced by constant vacation travel.  We'll probably plan a trip or two while we're up north this summer, e.g. drive out to Thunder Bay and visit Philip.  I told Sandy that if there was something holding us back from driving north (like an impenetrable border), perhaps we'd jump in the car and go visit George & Geri.  

Mark Thomas is talking of running a 1000k late summer out of Seattle, in which case we might drive west, drop Cassie off with Jerry in WI on the way, come back via Saskatoon and visit Don & Sue, back south before Lake Superior to pickup Cassie ... etc.  It's a thought.

Reading the news, flights are packed.  Social distancing everywhere but on flights.  Ain't happening.  I'll drive. 

In the meantime ... Sandy has a hair appointment today, mammogram tomorrow, ENT next week ...what a hypochondriac !  (not).   My hair is getting longer ... it does that.  I'm getting into Greg Smith territory but a long ways from Mark Thomas territory :).

David and Vanda are planning on going to the cottage tomorrow.  It's supposed to be 80F up there.  They won't have to do much to warm the place up.  I might crank up the basement temperature just to deal with the humidity.  The furnace would do the same thing.

I have an app on my phone that I just went through - ArriveCAN - yes, there's an app for that.  I went through all the questions and the last step is getting a "token" when we cross the border.  Address, phone numbers, attestations, the only thing left is to hold an ice cube on our foreheads before we get to the border for the temperature taking routine (just kidding !).  There was no attestation for Cassie. 

I rode yesterday.  It was hot.  I'll have to leave earlier and earlier. 

Onward !

1 comment:

George Cederholm said...

Well, we’d love to have you visit, even if you’d be looking at that “dry heat”. We are experiencing 1-2 new wildfires each day in the Phoenix area, which is very unusual as most of the wildfires are often well away from civilization. Forecasts are now looking at the first 110° days by the middle of next week. But, with 6% relative humidity, it only feels like 105°. The good news is you wouldn’t have to wear a mask because the trumpers refuse, but you might have to dodge the bullets when some nut decides to “shoot-em-up”. Just another week in “paradise”. We’ve cancelled the next wave of travel plans for the West Coast and will likely be stuck here until August, at least... 🤬